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Student Engaged PAR Center Group Photo 2023
Five people standing together in front of a research poster
Student Engaged Participatory Action Research to investigate and improve the experiences of HMoob American college students
The future outside of borders and empires
The future outside of borders and empires

By Lisa Yang From an early age, I’ve often heard HMoob adults going through deep sadness, mourning the fact that HMoob tsis muaj teb chaws, or how HMoob don’t have a country. This saying is integral to growing up HMoob as stateless people. Statelessness constantly reminds us everywhere we go of our displacement and subjugation. In this College Paj Ntaub study, a HMoob participant, Ryan, discusses his experiences as part of a people without a country:  “… I did get questions of people asking me like, “Oh, what are you?” and “what kind of Asian are you?” And when I […]

Team Photo 2023
Student Engaged Participatory Action Research to investigate and improve the experiences of HMoob American college students
How might co-ethnic studies foster campus belonging for minoritized college students?
How might co-ethnic studies foster campus belonging for minoritized college students?

By Steven Yang and Matthew Wolfgram Co-ethnic studies courses Ethnic studies is an academic discipline focused on the study of power relations and their impact on minoritized communities, which emerged out of the post-civil rights era student activism in the United States since the 1970s (Hu-DeHart, 1993). Examples of ethnic studies departments and programs include Asian studies, Asian American studies, Black or African American studies, Raza studies, Chicano studies, Native American and Indigenous studies, Jewish studies, Arab studies, and others, as well as allied programs such as gender and women’s studies and disability studies. Many colleges and universities currently support […]

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“Our HMoob American College Paj Ntaub is an ongoing qualitative participatory action research project conducted in partnership with a student organization at UW-Madison called the HMoob American Studies Committee (HMASC) that examines the sociocultural and institutional factors impacting the college experiences of HMoob American students.

About Us

The Student Engaged Participatory Action Research Center (SEPARC) is a group of participatory action researchers and research projects housed within the Wisconsin Center for Education Research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Participatory Action Research (PAR) is a partnership approach to action research that emphasizes participation from members of the community most affected by the research phenomenon through authentic collaboration and shared decision-making to answer questions that are most important to them and to use what they have learned to generate actionable change. SEPARC partners with historically marginalized or minoritized student groups in higher education settings to investigate the educational issues and experiences important to them through critical race, decolonial, and feminist lens. Our largest project to date is Our HMoob American College Paj Ntaub which examines the college experiences of HMoob American students in Wisconsin. We also provide workshops to teach other researchers how to incorporate participatory approaches in their work, host social justice education events, and facilitate public presentations and webinars of PAR scholarship.

Check out our Research Team to learn more about us and some of our mission-related activities.

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