Journal Articles
Vang, M.N., Wolfgram, M., Smolarek, B.B., Lee, L., Moua, P., Thao, A., Xiong, O., Xiong, P.K., Xiong, Y., & Yang, L. (2022). Autoethnographic engagement in participatory action research: Bearing witness to developmental transformations for college student activists, Action Research, DOI: 10.1177/14767503221145347 (PDF)
Smolarek, B.B., Wolfgram, M., Vang, M.N., Xiong, C.P., Lee, L., Lee, P., Thao, M.,Vang, K., Xiong, P.K., Xiong, O., & Xiong, P. (2021). Our HMoob American college paj ntaub: Student-engaged community-based participatory action research (CBPAR) as counter-invisibility work, International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, DOI: 10.1080/09518398.2021.1888162 (PDF)