PAR for College Students with Disabilities presentation at the Rotunda
March 6, 2024
DJC presents their research findings to Wisconsin legislators, policymakers, and the public at the Wisconsin State Capitol for the annual Research in the Rotunda. Pictured above are the students presenting to Governor Tony Evers.
DJC poster presentation at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Undergraduate Research Day & the Research Resources Fair
October 18, 2022
Peterson, A., Tienor, M., & Meyer, M. (2021). Beyond Accessibility: Leveraging the Voices of College Students with Disabilities. (Pictured L-R): Matthew Wolfgram (Advisor), McKenna Meyer (Researcher), Maggie Tienor (Researcher), Ashley Peterson (Researcher), Courtney Wilt (Research Mentor)
Data Equity and Why it is Important to Southeast Asian Americans with KaYing Yang in the Wisconsin Idea Room
April 8, 2022
KaYing Yang, a social justice advocate, shared her journey through a three-decade long career in public policy and community service for Southeast Asian Americans. Her talk will highlight the importance of data equity, its implications for policy and institutional leaders when making accurate and equitable decisions that best benefit impacted communities.
Hmong Studies Consortium
March 30, 2022
STEM Pushout and Redirection: Institutional logics of disposability and accountability that impact the education goals and experiences of HMoob American college students.
Activating Your Agency & Building Critical Consciousness
The team presents to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation their research findings regarding the factors that have influenced UW-Madison HMoob American academic experiences, which ultimately informed their college-to-workforce pathways. In addition, their presentation demonstrates how Community Based Participatory Action Research (CBPAR) can be an innovative research practice in educational settings, as it offers a transformative experience for students as researchers and, overall, as individuals.
CCWT Seminar Series with Gary Anderson
April 29th, 2019
The growing popularity of Participatory Action Research (PAR) can be attributed to its commitment to doing research with rather than on or for participants, it’s potential to challenge policy and practice from the bottom up, and its multiple goals of knowledge generation, concrete action, and, critical pedagogy. This presentation focused on the ways that PAR challenges the current dominance of New Public Management in Schools and Universities and the dominant epistemology of university research.
Our HMoob American College Paj Ntaub
February 6, 2019
Presentation on Documenting the Aims of Higher Ed in Wisconsin
November 29, 2017
The team of student researchers developed research questions and designed and conducted an innovative qualitative research study, and they presented their findings, with commentary from two of our top leaders and scholars of higher education in the state, Dean of the UW School of Education Diana Hess and UW Professor of Political Science Katherine J. Cramer.