College Paj Ntaub
How do STEM college support programs impact minoritized Asian Americans? (2024) (PDF)
STEM Pushout and Redirection of HMoob American College Students at a Predominantly White Institution (2024) (PDF)
Weaving the Paj Ntaub (2020) (PDF)
The Necessity of Ethnic Studies: Prioritizing Ethnic Studies During COVID 19 and Beyond (December, 2020) (PDF)
HMoob American Undergraduate Students at University of Wisconsin’s 4-Year Comprehensive Colleges – Background, Enrollment Statistics, and Graduation Trends (October, 2019) (PDF)
Research Brief from Year 1 (2018-2019) Findings (PDF)
The UW-Whitewater Disability Justice Collective (DJC)
UW-W Participatory Action Research for College Students with Disabilities (2024) (PDF)
Leveraging the Voices of Students with Disabilities at University of Wisconsin – Whitewater: A Research Brief on Preliminary Findings and Recommendations (2023) (PDF)
Classroom-based Participatory Action Research
Navigational barriers and assets for refugee education (2024) (PDF)